Monday, April 4, 2011

4 /5/ 2011

I've been waiting for this day for quite awhile.  Well, not really THIS day since, as I type this THE DAY is still one hour and thirty five minutes to go.  4/5/11.  It is the big five year anniversary that I mentioned in my last post.  On 4 / 5 /06 I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Now, on 4 / 5/ 11,  I can claim five years clear and as far as the medical community goes that means cured.  I could tell them that I was cured a long time ago but let's not quibble.  Now is the time for celebration not debate.

The amazing journey that began five years ago is obviously too much for any post; that's why I've got this blog to take each bit a little at a time.  I hope that, even though my experiences are really just mine and may not apply to anyone else, this bit of typing will somehow comfort someone, even just ONE someone, somewhere.

Today I want to pay a long overdue tribute to a woman named Beverly.  Beverly was a volunteer for an organization here in Denver called Life Spark.  It is a non-profit which provides healing touch and reiki, energy work,  to people actively receiving treatment for cancer.  Before my cancer experience began I had never heard of this type of work and I am quite sure that if I had, I would have been extremely skeptical.  Maybe more than skeptical.  But a trusted friend who was essentially showing me the ropes introduced me to Life Spark and I was paired with Beverly.  What a gift!

Before we had our first session Bev asked me a series of questions - basic stuff about my treatment, my lifestyle, my emotional state.  Then she asked me about religion.  AWKWARD.  I had quashed any religious beliefs I had been instilled with as a youngster decades before.  Now this woman was asking me about religion and I started realizing that I had all kinds of unanswered questions.  Not questions for her, but questions for ME.  Beverly, a retired minister, was unfazed and totally non-judgemental.  In fact she made me feel more comfortable with my inability to answer than I would have thought possible.
Over the course of the next three months, meeting once a week, the topic of religion never came up again but somehow lying there on that table while Beverly worked what seemed like magic to me, my spirit found an opening.  I can't explain it and I'm not even sure that I was aware that anything other than pain and stress management was happening at the time, but looking back I  realize that a shift was occurring.  Beverly was moving around energy - something that I couldn't see but now had to acknowledge as real.  What else was real that I couldn't see?  What else had I been discounting simply because I had blocked off the possibility of its existence?  I still wonder, question, explore;  I still have no  
way to define what it is I have come to believe.  But I am forever grateful to that tiny beautiful lady for graciously opening the door to spirit.  Blessings dear Beverly.

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